Archive for April 2009

Web Hosting

Thursday, April 30, 2009 · Posted in

WEB Hosting? Are you looking for a web hosting? And this is the place that suit for you. Now days there are many companies that offer web hosting right? Even me I am making my own website and I am looking for a web hosting and I have here a site in which they also offer web hosting and not only Web Hosting, they also have a lot of services offered and look what’s exciting, the prices off all there services are all affordable.

Not only that but also they have their dedicated server, imagine how powerful they are. Take note also that they are offering this service for almost 3 years and this could be a big help for our entrepreneur in the whole world right? And the last but not the least my dearest readers is their green hosting this hosting would be a very big help for those who are utilizing bio-fuel in which for heating purposes only and they use servers that are using an alternative sources such as the wind and the solar and the geothermal energy.

So what are you waiting for visit now their website for more information on how to register and try their services offered, I assure you that you will enjoy and be satisfied by their offered services. So what are you waiting for try now their services and be part of the people who are enjoying their services. If you want to visit their site and then just try to click the given link in this article.

So my dearest readers visit now their web site for more information how to avail their services offered and I really encourage you my dearest readers that don’t take for granted this chance that you can have your own web host. So good luck and have a nice day my dearest readers.

Below is the screen shot of their site.

Sample Static Website

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Well I am proud to say that this is our project and work during our WEB Development 1 subject. We made it for almost 1 and a half month. This is our project in which we really manipulated it on CSS and not in HTML, because our professor really required us not to manipulate our website just by inline or internal CSS but we have to use external CSS in which I can really say that it is one of the difficult part of making this project. But still I am so thankful that we made it with my group. Especially to Eman, who really help me, guide me and really give his support in making this project and also to Alfid who made our very beautiful banner, to Janine who serves as our Profile Editor, Mervyn and Bamba for being the News Editor In Chief, Kenneth Rofuli as the Events Editor In Chief, to Pink, Karl Inte, Christopher, Sil john and Lemuel. I am so happy and grateful that evens for one time only I have all of you as my members without you our project would be rather useless, because the most important is that the friendship and understanding that we have made when we were acting and making this project as one so, I hope that the friendship that we started would never end. To Group 1 especially to their leader which is my partner, good luck also.

How to create a simple hover menu using CSS

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This is one of the most beautiful and most amazing if you know how to manipulate your HTML and your CSS or the Cascading Style Sheet. Actually as you can see on its HTML there are no design just only pure HTML and the question is how it comes that you came on your output just like this? Easy, my answer is that I manipulate my design, structure, characteristics and effects in CSS. I use CSS to make this hover menu.



font-family: Tahoma;
width: 100px;
height: 20px;
left: 79px;
top: 69px;
#navsite ul


border-bottom:1px solid #000;


#navsite ul li
border-top:1px solid #000000;
border-left:1px solid #000000;
border-right:1px solid #000000;


#navsite ul li:hover

If Else Selection Statement

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 · Posted in

If else selection statement is actually the same with if statement but the difference of if else selection statement from if is that there are two options that the program have to choose if the condition returns true or false. Example pseudo code:

Pseudo code:

1) If student’s grade is lower than 75

2) Print “You have to shift other course”
3) El
4) Print “You have to stay in IT”


This is the flowchart, but id we were going to transform it to C program and then it would be like this;

Printf(“%s\n”, grade<75?”passed”:”failed”);

How to flow chart IF condition

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 · Posted in

Pseudo code:

1.) “If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90”

2.) Print “Excellent”

Flow Chart:

Fig 1.2

This is the flowchart of the pseudo code above. In which the small circle above indicates the start of the program and the diamond indicates that it is a condition if the condition return true and then it will proceed to the statement and it will print the message in the rectangle and if the statement returns false and then it will go directly to the circle below to end the program.

The IF Selection Statement

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As we all know that selection structures are used to choose among alternative courses of action. For example, suppose there is a grade of 90 on an exam and you have to perform a condition about this in pseudo code.

Pseudo code:

1.) “If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90”

2.) Print “Excellent”

In this Pseudo code, it determines if the condition “If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90”, is true or false. In the first line the program determines if the statement met the condition and if the condition returns true and then the program will execute the next line which is the number 2, and it will print the word excellent.

HTML Table

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Table is one of the basic components of HTML of the Hypertext Markup Language. Table is one that make a homepage or a Web Page more presentable and more organized. Many Web Page are using table as of today and also many programmers now a days are using table in creating a design. Actually table is constant in making a Web page. When we say constant it means that it is there or it is always a need to use table. Imagine a page without a table.

Table is one that organized all the data that needed to be organized. youc an use div but not all the time you have to use div in all your designs.

What is HTML?

Sunday, April 26, 2009 · Posted in

HTML or the Hypertext Markup Language is a special formatting language that some programmers uses to make or format a documents on what to display on a Web. You view a webpage written with HTML in a Web Browser, such as the Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and etc.

Actually HTML is not a programming language itself but it refers on how to format a text, graphics, video and audio on a Web Page. HTML uses tags, which are codes that specify links to other documents and indicate how a web page is displayed when viewed on the Web.

You can write HTML not only by just using Dream weaver and other text editor but also you can use Notepad in making your web page or either the notepad++ software. but many programmers want to use dream weaver rather than notepad it is because in Dream weaver there are codes that are automatically generated by several programming languages and program development tools.

Is It Hot computer programming problem

Monday, April 20, 2009 · Posted in

This is a problem in which it includes the manipulation of loop not only loop but also the array and the nested for loop or the loop inside the another loop. This is the same with the recursion, in which there is a function inside the another function.


Create a problem in which, the program allow the users to input a number and display the HOT for 1, LUKE for 2, WARM for 3 and if the user input a number of 4 and above and then the program will display OUT OF RANGE. Strictly use for loop.




int main()
int x, y, a[y];

printf("***** IS IT HOT? *****\n\n");
printf("Enter No. to be input: ");
scanf("%d", &y);
printf("Invalid Input!");
scanf("%d", &a[x]);
else if(a[x]==2)
else if(a[x]==3)
else if(a[x]>=4)
printf("OUT OF RANGE!!!\n");


I know that some of you are a NARUTO fanatic right? And also I know that you are watching NARUTO in many ways such as buying a personal DVD, a Video CD or some are just watching over the internet if they have an internet connection. But I know that most of the viewer of NARUTO are watching over the website, and soon and so fort. Even me, I am also a NARUTO fanatic and I also love watching NARUTO but only in internet it is because I can’t made to buy a CD, DVD and etc. and also we don’t have a Personal Computer in our home. Even my Aunt is a fanatic of NARUTO, almost of the students in our school are all fanatic of NARUTO. For me NARUTO is one of my favorite cartoon anime in fact this is my most and favorite cartoon anime. I like the way they make their techniques and the way they move their hands. Tsunade is one of my favorite cartoon character in NARUTO series, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura all of them I like them. I hope that I can see all episodes of NARUTO including the showdown between the three powerful Sannin of Konuha.

The search is over! Click here for Free Trials, Health & Beauty, Education, Financial, Freebies, Sweepstakes and Competitions, Automotive, Insurance, all here in your one stop location!

Flame of Recca

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I am really a fan of Reacca in which you can see it on the cartoon movie Flame of Recca. If you want to see who Recca is and then try to click the given link in this article. Youtube is one of the most and popular website in which we can see some of the videos that taken from the whole world right? so try to click now the given link in this article.

Is this a Love or a crush?

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This is my second time around that I feel like this, in one girl. Ever since we’ve made a break up with my old Girl Friend and now here I am. I am really thinking, do I have to let again myself fall in love again with another girl? First, I only treat her as special because, every time that I can saw her, everyday she really make my day complete or in fact she is the one who make my day complete, without her my day is not complete. I don’t know why I like her. I don’t know what are the things that she has, why I feel this kind of feeling to her. Oh My God, what’s this feeling all about? Is this a Love or a crush on that person? Especially, I am so grateful it is because, we are classmate in one subject this summer.whahahahahha, I like it guys. Well I think I have to find out what feeling is this, before I will become crazy every time I saw her.

PR 1

Friday, April 17, 2009 · Posted in

Well I am so thankful that after a long time and then my Page Rank came back. Even though my page rank is only 1 but still it is a sign that I am doing well with my blog. I am so proud of it. Well, all I wish is that this rank will be 2, 3, 4, 5 and soon and so fort. I hope so. I can't really imagine guys that I can get a rank 1. I was really surprise when I saw it because, this very morning I remember that blog from this past few months got rank 0 so I tried to check it again this very morning, but I was very amaze, surprise and shock when I see the 1. Well, I hope that it will continue until next week, month and year.

For Rent Businesses

I know that some of the people today are looking and want to make their own business. I have here a website in which they offer a lot of services. such as For Rent. It is so very interesting because as we all know that this is the most and common business in the whole world and in which you can start earning within a few months only and here in this site you can advertise your rentals.

For Rent business is the most and beautiful business for today, right?, because as we all know that For Rent businesses is one of the most and cheapest businesses in the whole world. They offer a For Rent site here but first you have to register on their site in order for you to have an account. So what are you waiting for try to visit not their site by just simply clicking the given links in this article.

I assure you that you will really enjoy with their offered services. So visit now for more information and you will surely enjoy their For Rent services offer to those person who are willing to have their own business.

Digital Circuit

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 · Posted in

Well I can say that Digital Circuit is one of the most and interesting subject I ever had taken ever since in my life. I can say that it is so amazing because, as we all know that technologyis evolving right? and part of this evolution is the digital circuit. Do you want to ask why digital circuit became part of the the technologies evolution it is because every technology that had been develop contains a digital circuit or a circuit itself, so thats why digital circuit became part of it. I can say that it is amazing cause when you are going to study all about circuits you can learn more things such as what are the classification of resistors and especially the most and enjoyable is resistor reading. You know what I really enjoy this subject, especially when we are going to have our activity. IN this subject you can learn how to read a resistor by its color, all I can say is that WOW and AMAZING.

Parallel Circuit

Wednesday, April 08, 2009 · Posted in

This is a kind of parallel circuit. Actually, I made it using the Software called as the Circuit maker. This Circuits consist of a SPDT Switch or a Single Pole Double Throw Switch. Also the 6 lamps a ground and a 10V battery in order to pud a current on our circuit. This is one of our assignments in networking in which I got perfect. We can also make it as series circuit but we have to delete some materials here in this illustration.

As we all know that parallel circuit is so useful together with the series circuit. watch out for the following post on this blog about Digital Circuit not only about circuit but also all about programming and web designing.

Summer Enrollment Start

Wednesday, April 01, 2009 · Posted in

Today is the first day of enrollment here in our school. Well, all I can say is that difficult, why? because even though there are only 2 subjects offered in this summer but still I don't know what subject I am going to take, and especially the time. I like to have a class of afternoon because I don't want to wake up early in my bed but the one that I am so sure is that I know that if I am going to take afternoon class and then my brain will not work properly it is because in this very hour I really want to go to bed and have a sleep. In this kind of hour I really felt boring. so that 's why I think I am now going to take morning classes because I know that my brain is fresh and calm.

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